30DOB: Day 2-4

By Julia

I know that I made a promise to do my best to blog every day, but I’ve just been so tired the past couple of days! The reason: on Wednesday, day 2 of 30 days of biking, my bike took me 100+ miles from Minneapolis to Eau Claire, WI.


handle bars and front rack with gear loaded


The first time I tried this ride, I had just come back from being abroad for nearly two years. Facing the death of a family member and a changing social circle, I felt disconnected from the place that was once my home, disoriented in a place that didn’t inspire me like it once did. I felt disappointed and deeply lonely. So, like a lot of people, I hopped on my bike to see if a long ride could give me some fresh perspective. It did, but now how I expected. After 70 grueling miles, I was in a ton of pain and had to throw in the towel. It was a tough decision, but I did learn a lot about expectations and respecting my limitations – as well as the benefits of a good fit!


snow dusted farm field


This time, though, I felt supported by my friends. This time, the sun was shining. This time, music and podcasts got me through. And this time, my fit was right! If it weren’t for the wellspring of love and wisdom that has become my community in Minneapolis, it would have been much harder – if not impossible. And it was truly wonderful to feel at home once again. For those of you who have never been, Wisconsin is a very rural state, very beautiful. When you think of a classic, “heartland America,” this is it, this is where I grew up: rolling farmland, idly grazing cows, red barns, the works. As I rode I felt as though I was waking up with the plants, shaking off the cold of a long winter and letting my roots spread into the rich earth. On this ride, I felt alive and inspired.


printed directions, with notes, and a mile meter


The next night could not have been more different! I felt frustrated and scared as I white knuckled a short commute home through inches of snow. It’s melting now, but oh man, what a ride. I cannot wait for all this lovely white stuff to be gone. How I long for a warm beach and an ice cold beer!


Rear panniers with snow on top


How have the past couple of days been for you? How have you been dealing with the return of the snow? What has your bike taught you recently?