Day 27 of Loving Winter 2018

I #lovemnwinter, today I love winter cocktails!

In summer, I like beer and kool aid. In winter, I like booze and coco. What do you like to drink in the winter months?

Here are some favorite libations, offered to my winter god, Skade.

Hot Coco Cocoa

ingredients for hot cocoaHeated coconut milk, regular old (cheap) cocoa mix, a sprinkle of cinnamon and cayenne. This is is super rich and creamy with a little punch to the tastebuds.




Sweet Sweet Cheap Bourbon

bottles of burbon and cherriesMy budget Manhattan recipe! Put a few ice cubes in the glass, pour a little bit of cherry syrup from a jar of maraschino cherries (I like to buy the $1 jars from Cub), throw in a cherry or two. Pour the bourbon over the ice/syrup. Add a splash of room temperature water.



Fire Cider

cider and honey in jarsFire cider is a tart and potent drink that I like to cut with a bit of hot water and honey. I drink it to boost my immune system and kick annoying cold symptoms. My favorite fire cider is from Pickle Witch. You can read more about fire cider in Day 22 of 2018’s #ilovemnwinter: Making Healing Foods.