Best Bike Stories of 2011

ArtCrank did a really cool feature on fan-submitted “Best Bike Stories of 2011.”

There were stories from Kat Fowler at Thank You For Seeing Me, Loretta Trevino (Seattle) and Leah Preble wrote about Babes in Bikeland, Anna Dorenboos wrote about RAGBRAI, and Letta Page wrote about her first century! Great stories, definitely worth a read.

I really wanted to submit a story, but I honestly could not narrow it down to just one in time for the deadline! If you had to pick just ONE… what is your best bike story of 2011?

I had some fun bike camping, I had some fun racing, I had some fun just riding around. But as far as unique bike experiences go… I played bike polo for the first time with Kat, Greta, and a bunch of YOU!

People around bikes, the women's polo team

13 of you showed up to try this crazy sport out. Greta and Kat instructed us, we scrimmaged, there were zero fatalities. The polo players lent us their equipment and bikes and told us to go crazy. And we did. <3